
Find Hope at C4 ~


a Caring Community

Welcome to the Church of Christ on Country Club Road!

Whether you are just here visiting with us, are a seeker wanting to ask questions about God, or are a committed Christian searching for a church home...whoever you are and wherever your journey has taken you, rest assured you will be loved and valued at the Church of Christ on Country Club Road.

Our church family is committed to loving God. We are commissioned to share the good news of Christ. We are a loving community of caring believers, dedicated to showing God’s love and compassion through service to others.

Worship Schedule


Sunday Morning Classes - 9:00 am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am

Wednesday Devotional - 6:00 pm


We hope you feel welcome to join us in worshiping and developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ each week. We are a loving, caring, and welcoming church family and we would love to invite you to be a part of our family!


We have many ministries including:

• Young Adult Ministry (Age 18-30)

• Youth Ministry

• Bible Classes for all ages

• Children’s Ministry

• Crisis Care Ministry

• Food Pantry

• Ennis World Bible School - Online

• Women’s Ministry

• 50 Plus Ministry

• Missions Programs

• Bible Study Courses (by Mail or in Person)

• Headphones for Hearing Impaired

• Safety Team

 C4 Connect


Join Us Info



Visitation Update Link

How to connect to the Church of Christ on Country Club Road live Stream